Be a Part of What God is Doing.
What It Means When You Give.
Planting a church requires a pastor and his family to have great faith, courage, commitment, sacrifice, and tenacity. It means fully relying on God to provide for all of the needs of his church and his family. God does that by speaking to the hearts of His children. Sometimes it’s a whisper that says, “Step up and give of your time.” Other times it is a quiet voice that speaks, “Share what you know, give of your talents.” And then there are those times when He tugs at your heart to give of your treasures.
When you give, 100% of your money goes to supporting current church planters and their communities. Support includes funds distributed over a three year period, theological training and a fully-funded invitation to the annual SRCP Summit.
We would be honored to partner with you to change the world, one church plant at a time.
“You are such a blessing to the church planting community all over the world, and I see the fruit of that contribution and partnership. What you guys do, nobody else does in terms of the level of support and commitment that you have for the growth of the Gospel.”
“You have gotten behind an obscure guy in an obscure place with obscure people. Through that, we have been able to impact that area with the Gospel to people who are de-churched, un-churched, and something in between.”
“Through your giving, Spanish River Church Planting has helped to get degrees and training into the hands of many ethnic minority leaders throughout this country. I give the Lord praise for you and for your continued commitment to church planting and church planters of every context.”