Ron on the Road: Scott Armstrong

Scott and Kerstin Armstrong
Scott and Kerstin Armstrong
City Church Eastside Art Gallery
City Church Eastside Art Gallery
City Church Eastside
City Church Eastside

Tuesday evening we had dinner with Scott and Kerstin Armstrong of City Church Eastside. The Armstrongs planted their church a little over three years ago in downtown Atlanta. On September 25 they will officially become a particularized church, which means they will have their own elder board and will govern themselves. It is a very exciting step for this church. Scott has been busy training the officers of the church, and they are now ready to be ordained as elders and deacons.

City Church Eastside rents space for their church in renovated warehouse called the Stove Works. The church also serves as an art gallery for local artists. This serves as a great outreach to the community. They shared some stories of folks coming to see art and hearing the Gospel.

One of the projects Kerstin has been working on is the development of a new children's curriculum that is for an age integrated group. This curriculum is available for purchase through their church.

City Church Eastside will be a church planting church. They are in the process of bringing on their first church planting intern, who will be working alongside Scott and Kerstin and will soon, with the help of City Church Eastside, plant his own church in the Atlanta area.

Scott and Kerstin have three daughters, ages 7,4 and 2. Pray for the Armstrongs as they continue to minister to this community that God has called them. They are very excited about what God is doing, and how He is using individuals within City Church Eastside. They have wonderful stories of people coming to Christ.


Ron on the Road: Bryan Pierce of Seven Hills Church


Ron on the Road: SRC Church Plant Road Trip