Ron on the Road: Shaun Garman of Seed Church
Seed Church
This week we headed south to Ventura, California to meet with Shaun Garman. Shaun is starting a new church in Ventura County which is just north of Los Angeles. SRC partnered with Shaun to plant a church in Portland about six years ago, that church, Red Sea has now sent Shaun south to plant once again.
Shaun's new church will be called Seed Church and they will begin Sunday gatherings this coming weekend in a local pub. They have already begun building a core community which includes 12 people who have moved into the Ventura area from Portland.
Shaun and his wife Daisy have seven children ranging in age from 5 to 21. This past summer they went on an 8 week road trip across the United States. Realizing how exhausting a road trip like that is I can't imagine doing it with all those children, but Shaun said it was a great time for his family and a little break before settling down to another challenging role as a church planter.
After meeting with Shaun we headed across the desert to meet with some pastors in Las Vegas, and then we are heading home to Florida. Looking forward to being in our own bed soon.
How to pray
Please keep Shaun and his family in your prayers. Ventura is an upscale community which has very few churches and lots of challenges. They also have a large hispanic population and Shaun has a real desire to see these two distinct communities come together as a worship community.