Inauguration of Training Center at Sarampet
A note from Pastor Sudhakar after the first training held in the Bad News Good News Training center in India.
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Its a great joy and blessing to see the work completed and the first batch of church planters trained this week at Sarampet.
For two days I spoke about the Bad news and Good news and God has given me more clarity and also new illustrations while I was speaking to them. The more I speak about this the more I am getting to know and experience.
Also we had each church planter demonstrate preaching the complete Gospel so that they would learn more effectively and also learn to practice.
Out of these ten church planters few of them have really understood most of it and have demonstrated very well. I was so happy to see the seeds being sown on good soil.
Your prayers and support will bring a great impact in the region of Telangana.