Prayer Focus: Caleb Davis, Denver

caleb davis and sara denver profile
caleb davis and sara denver profile

Caleb has spent most of his life in the major cities in the Northwest – Portland and Seattle.While in Seattle, Caleb helped to start two new churches, one in Downtown Seattle and one in the Rainier Valley (the country’s most diverse zip code). Caleb and Sara have been praying about planting a church in Denver for the past 7 years. After sensing God was leading them to make this move Caleb transitioned from his responsibilities, they were prayed over, and sent by Caleb’s fellow pastors in July of 2012 to begin a new work in Denver. Recently Caleb sent us this update: “Things are going great. We just had our 8th service yesterday. We've been going through 1 John, which is such a great book on authentic Christianity. It's going slow and one person at a time, one conversation at a time, one sermon at a time but it's really cool to see what has been happening. Every single week we have had new people come and check things out - some have stayed and others are still TBD. Almost every week we have had non-Christian people come which is encouraging. We usually have about 40 people there on a Sunday. One thing I'd love your prayers on is for some strong team/leaders to come our way. I'd love someone else on staff. Don't really have the funds at this point to make that happen but I'd love for God to send us someone that would be willing to raise support or someone that would be a solid teammate that could work for free until we could pay them. Other than then smaller tasks that I can delegate to people in our church I'm doing everything and it's a lot!”


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