Ron on the Road: Dublin, Ireland

I have spent the last two days in Dublin Ireland, and am impressed with this city's history and beauty. Ireland is know as the "land of saints and scholars" and yet evangelicals make up less than one percent of the population. Dublin is a city with a deep connection to Catholicism, and yet because of the scandals in recent years, and the growing liberalism very few people attend church.I was able to meet with two pastors of two new church plants who are trying to bring the Gospel into this city. Steve Vaughn (pictured here) leads Christ City Church in the Temple bar area of Dublin. They launched this church nine months ago and meet in a film studio on Sunday mornings. Steve is a bi-vocational pastor, he works at a multi-national tech firm as well as leads Christ City Church. The attenders of Christ City Church range in age of 18-25 years old, they are students and young professionals who live in the city of Dublin. Please keep Steve and his family in your prayers as the faithfully serve in this city.

Kieron Lynch
Kieron Lynch

I also met with Kieron Lynch,  Kieron and Mark Smith are planting City Church Dublin. You can learn more about them and their church on this video

It has been both encouraging and exciting to see what God is doing through these church planters. They both shared many stories of people coming to faith, and lives being changed. 

They are also excited to see if their churches can be a catalyst for the beginnings a new church planting movement here in Dublin. 


Street Evangelism in Brazil


Ron on the Road - London, England