Celebrating Five Years in Munich, Germany!

We are honored to partner with Steffen Mueller and Gospel Church in Munich, Germany. They are celebrating their fifth anniversary!

Dear Prayer Partners,

At the end of this month we will celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the protestant reformation!

Tomorrow, October 8, we will celebrate the 5 year anniversary of Gospel Church München. In God’s providence He placed Gospel Church in the very neighborhood (“Grünwald” in South Munich) where in February 1522 as a result of the “Grünwald conference” the world-wide, counter-reformation began (by Dr. Johann Eck and other leaders of the catholic church). God has a good sense of humor, and so we rejoice that the very Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has been under attack by the counter-reformation, has now been strongly and boldly proclaimed these five past years in Grünwald/South Munich, Germany - to the glory of Jesus Christ!

Please pray for our 5 year anniversary service tomorrow:

  • That God will be glorified and that the focus will be on Him!
  • That God will speak powerfully through the sermon (John 1:35-51)
  • For much spiritual fruit and several conversions, and for growth in maturity for those who are in Christ
  • For strong attendance and for many new people who will return and come to faith in Christ according to God’s timetable
  • For the Holy Spirit to be mightily present with His love and holiness
  • For our choir and musicians and singers - that God will be pleased with our worship
  • For the children’s ministry and all the volunteers
  • For the video projector and the sound system to work well
  • For our lunch and fellowship time afterwards
  • That God will grant a strong Gospel movement that is changing Munich, Germany and the world

On a personal note, we have found a small apartment south of Munich (about 15 minutes to “Grünwald” and about 35 minutes to the university/downtown area (where we want to begin an evening service in the second half of 2018) that we are seriously considering to buy. Please pray for the following:

  • That God will confirm it in our hearts and minds if this is indeed the apartment that we should buy (we need to let them know by Wednesday or Thursday).
  • If we should indeed buy it that God will grant us favor with the right bank and a very low interest rate that is fixed for the next 25 years (we will need a loan/mortgage for over $ 600,000).
  • Praise God that we found this apartment (nearly every other apartment in Munich or within a 30-minute radius from South Munich is considerably more expensive than this one)
  • That we will glorify God as we walk by faith. 

Below are some pictures from five years of Gospel Church - Thanks be to God!

If you would like to learn more about Gospel Church, you can visit the church website at http://www.gospelchurchmuenchen.de/.


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