New Planter Spotlight: Sam Low
The Low Family
How have you seen God working in your life?
I met Jesus when I was 14, at that point my family begun to self destruct, even though I struggled to live a visibly christian life in that season God was an undeniable anchor for me. He used those years to show me the truth that there is no greater treasure than knowing Jesus and being known by him. Since then God has graciously opened doors for me to be able to preach the gospel to others. Every time I get to declare the sufficiency and majesty of y risen saviour God is feeding me with a deeper confidence in his love for me, an increasing desire for eternity and an uncontainable conviction that Jesus is the only hope for humanity.
How have you seen God working in your family?
Our entire family life has been in the context of full time ministry. Sally my wife is a gift from God, we have endured suffering and celebrated fruit together and every step she has displayed a faithfulness and steadfastness that reflects the God she trusts. God has blessed us with two amazing boys, Bailey and Hudson. I love watching God slowly but surely reveal himself to them and the boldness and peace that childlike faith brings.
How have you seen God working in your church?
God has been so kind as to gather people eager to be on mission and to sacrifice for the sake of the kingdom. The provision of families to grow our kids ministry and most importantly the number of unchurched and de churched people he has brought into our sphere. Despite COVID 19 and lockdown restrictions we have established a community on mission and are preparing for our first baptisms in February. God has used an unpredictable year to humble us and remind us repeatedly that he is faithful and good beyond our wildest imagination, we are discovering in a fresh way what it means to find rest in him even as we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Church Mission & Vision
City on a Hill Gold Coast exists to know Jesus and make Jesus known Vision: Our vision is to reach the Gold Coast with the gospel of Jesus. We see a gospel driven movement of churches. Churches that are united by a burden for the lost, who trust in the power of the gospel to transform people, who take risks for the sake of seeing people meet Jesus and who are uncompromising in their commitment to reaching lost people with the gospel of Jesus. We see a church where the Holy Spirit’s work is obvious as people come under Christ centred biblical preaching which leads to repentance and faith. A church where sin is confessed and lives are transformed to be increasingly like Jesus. We see people gathered from a wide range of diverse ages and backgrounds in deep and substantial relationships whose foundation is the gospel. A community that weeps and rejoices together, a community united in knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. We see a church that empowers, equips, values, gives opportunities to and celebrates all of God’s people using their time, talents and treasures for the sake of the kingdom. A church that invests in and trains the next generation of gospel leaders for our movement, city and world. We see a church that loves and serves the least of these with concrete practical support. A church so compassionate that it is driven to meet those on the margins. A church that is valued by the city and impacts the culture of the city it is serving. We see a church that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. A church joyfully dependent on God through regular, passionate and bold prayer. A church that is fearless in its mission, innovative in its method, joy filled and life giving to all who encounter it. This is the church we believe God desires, the city needs and the church we are, in his strength, hoping to lead.
If you would like to know more please check out our website:
Sam Low