New Planter Spotlight: Peter Kamau Gikunju
How have you seen God working in your life?
I was born in a 'fairly Christian family' though it was not until the age of 15 years old when I believed in Christ as my savior, I was not very clear then on sin and grace but over time I have grown in understanding His grace and the depth of my sin and have continued to be struck at what He is doing in me and through me. Over the years, I have been learning to trust and lean on Him. Even now through this church planting phase, he has been working in me, teaching me patience and his love for me and even others.
How have you seen God working in your family?
I have a young family, Ezra is now 3yrs, and Neema is 1 yr 8months, Rose and I have had tough and good times. Children especially changed a lot when they came but God has been helping us to grow in our parenting roles and even to love and take care of the children. Family has been a good field of training us in our godliness and patience and the experience is great and encouraging. Rose is hospitable and loves welcoming people to our house and that has helped me a lot in church planting as we have had to open our homes to many members and even visit people in their homes, we are praying that our kids will grow not just in stature but also in love with the Jesus we preach!
How have you seen God working in your church?
We planted the church last September, and about 25 of us were commissioned to go out. In the last couple of months the words of Jesus to disciples " I will build my church.." have become very real for us as we have seen God work in ways we never imagined or planned for. A lot of unbelievers, unchurched have come to the church with a good number becoming believers, we have had so far Baptised 15 believers, the church family is growing with numbers having grown four-fold. God has also used the church to reach the local community, with many children as well turning every week to hear the gospel. Our small missional communities have been very key in becoming loving communities where people get to know one another deeply and reach out to friends and neighbours. We have seen many of our members become eager to serve one another and to be involved in what God is doing and also grow in their faith.
For further information please contact Peter at