New Planter Spotlight: Benjamin Sheldon
Benjamin Sheldon
The Sheldon Family
How have you seen God working in your life?
I was raised in a Christain home and during my early 20s, my faith became my own. God was faithful to me and held on to me despite my unfaithfulness to him. My story is one of God's grace, over time, irresistibly drawing me to see my sin and need for the mercy of Jesus. Jesus has become more and more beautiful to me throughout my life.
How have you seen God working in your family?
Alison and I have been married for 14 years and have 4 children. After eight years in the Marines, time at seminary, and moving to CT to plant a church, we have seen the Lord work in our lives in many ways. One of the key places He worked in our lives has been in our local churches. We were discipled and challenged in each of our churches in our marriage and family life. I will be forever grateful to the pastors and members who invested in us and our family through the years. This was the work of the Spirit, convicting, guiding, and comforting us. I trust God will use my and my family to minister to his people as we have been.
How have you seen God working in your church?
We moved to southeastern Connecticut to plant a gospel-centered church for our region. This area has few churches and is among the places nationally with the lowest number of people who attend a church of any kind. Our group is in the pre-launch phase of church planting. We continue to pray and seek the Lord's guidance on when to begin our worship together. Currently, we are meeting mid-week for fellowship, study, and prayer. We have seen God work in gathering people for this group. We pray with the expectation that he will continue to establish a church that ministers the presence of Jesus to us and our neighborhoods.
What is your church’s mission/vision?
Christ Presbyterian Church of East Lyme exists to minister the presence of Jesus Christ through our worship of God, our fellowship and community, and our service to each other and our region.
Church Website:
For further information, please contact Benjamin at