New Planter Spotlight: Evani Vazquez
Evani Vazquez
How have you seen God working in your life?
The Lord has worked in my life, giving me salvation and his promise of eternal life. I can see how God is transforming my character every day and has awakened in me the desire to be more like Christ.
How have you seen god working in your family?
Showing us that we are sinners and that we need God's help everyday, to love us each other, despite our faults. The Lord works in our character helping us to be tolerant, loving and in turn gives us the strength to seek the sanctification of our lives.
How have you seen god working in your church?
Adding to the church, those who are to be saved. I believe that the greatest sign of God working in "Zion Church" has been seeing new converts, people being discipled and baptized.
church name
Iglesia Cristiana Zion
church email
church Website
What is your church’s mission/Vision?
MISSION: Go to the places where society needs to know the Gospel, disciple and integrate a congregation that does acts of love and does every good deed by the grace of God.
VISION: Help the people of Tláhuac to know God and come to have a deep and personal relationship with him. To be the first church that impacts our community through mercy and justice ministries.