New Planter Spotlight: Reginaldo Launé Jr.
Reginaldo Launé Jr.
How have you seen God working in your life?
God has been working in my life for a long time. At a young age, he called me to be a musician in the church, an older deacon, and later a seminarian. For many years I lived in a maintenance ministry, believing that I was serving God properly. About five years ago, I was awakened for a different calling, to make the church a place of disciples of Jesus who serve their community. One book in particular, The Trellis and the Vine, was instrumental in this process. After that, the Wonderful and Good Lord led me to the Church Planters Training Center (CTPI), where I could do a post-graduate degree. During this period, Rev. Felipe Telles invited me to collaborate in the Roots Church. There again, the Lord raised people who saw in me the call as a church planter. We then began to write what would become the project for planting the church of Balneário Perequê. All in His time. All in His way. All for His glory.
How have you seen god working in your family?
My wife is finishing her doctorate at one of the most important public health institutions in the country, FIOCRUZ. We are in Rio de Janeiro, an important center for professional establishment, a cosmopolitan city with more than 6 million people and we are moving to a city with about 30 thousand people, without college or hospital. It's a very big turnaround, but she was never doubtful about my calling. On the contrary, she fully supports me and knows that she will also be an important part of this project. The call involves the whole family and if she was against it I couldn't go. She is excited and willing to be part of what God has to do through our lives, and is already in contact with people in the region to set up meetings in order to strengthen relationships thinking about the new church. When God acts, everything around us is transformed.
How have you seen god working in your church?
The Roots Church is a differential for those who know it. We have only 5 years of formation, but we have invested in planting new churches since the beginning, having the privilege of seeing some of them already organized and well established. However, this will be the first time that we will be in a project as a mother church, it is another kind of involvement. All of this was much talked in the council and approved by everyone. We understand that it is a privilege to be able to invest in the Kingdom of God, wherever He leads us. The idea has involved in such a strong way, that we decided to participate financially with an amount, but now that amount has almost doubled and there are other dreams of the church for the project. Everyone is excited about this window of opportunity that the Lord is opening for us.
church Name
Presbyterian Church in Balneário Perequê
church Email
What is your church’s mission/Vision?
To be a church that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ, communicating in an intentional and contextualized way to the culture of its region, to reconcile people with God and transforming them into disciples of Jesus, creating in their surroundings a change in the quality of life in all its aspects, bringing the love, peace, hope and justice that only the Holy Spirit of God can generate.
The Launé Family