New Planter Spotlight: David Williams

David WIlliams

How have you seen God work in your life?

I had been raised in church but never gave it much consideration. I was not unfamiliar with Jesus, salvation and condemnation, but figured I was safe, as I had walked the aisle, repeated a prayer, shook the pastor’s hand and got baptized. As I got older, I was attracted to the fast life and suffered the consequences. One night, after a five-day binge, I prayed and asked God if He were real; he would have to take me by the hand and walk with me because I was clueless about life. That was not my first binge, but it was my last. That was 14 years ago, and ever since, I’ve been telling people about this God who rescues sinners - like me.

How have you seen god working in your family?

My father is a founding Ruling Elder of a large church in Texas, and up until I came to faith, our relationship was extremely strained. Not anymore. I also got married five years after my conversion, and the Lord has used marriage to mature me in ways I never could as a single man - even walking closely with the Lord. At the time, my wife was a nominal believer, and her daughter was very bruised emotionally by a verbally abusive father. The Lord has had to use me as a conduit of His grace for both of them to be made whole, and He has used them as a conduit of grace to mature me. My wife has really sunk her teeth in this new work, and our daughter is a teacher at a private Lutheran school in Houston, Texas.

How have you seen god working in your church?

I was called to a dying Church of Christ congregation in Lake Park, just north of West Palm Beach. What was at one time a thriving congregation of 400 had dwindled to a regular attendance of about eight. But my wife and I knew this is where God wanted us. We were simply going to love the aging congregation, reach out to the community, and preach the Bible. We have been there since August 17th, 2023, and we have seen God do marvelous things! An 82 year old who has been attending that church for 70 years came to faith in Christ about three months after we arrived, and in January of 2024, we received nine new members to the church - I later found out those nine were the first new members the church had received in decades! We should have a website up by the end of February, and we are looking to become a Mission Church of SRC this summer.

church Name

Lake Park Community Church

CHURCH email

What is your church’s mission/Vision?

Habakkuk 2:14 | Ephesians 4: 11- 13.

The vision of Lake Park Community Church is to gather, equip, and bring to maturity the people of God; to reach the lost in our area with the good news of Jesus Christ; to take the good news of our Lord to the world; to make disciples of all peoples; to train and equip future church leaders - at home and abroad - for faithful ministry; for our church to be a safe place for the lost and hurting, where they will be nurtured in the Word and in the faith to wholeness, and to be an example of unity to the Body of Christ.


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