Church Planting Church Planting

Ron on the Road: Seattle Church Planters

Mike Kelly, Ron, John Haralson, and Michael Subracko
Mike Kelly, Ron, John Haralson, and Michael Subracko

On Saturday morning, Miriam and I met with three pastors that have some incredible ministry going on in Seattle.

Green Lake Presbyterian Church

Mike Kelly is the senior pastor of Green Lake Presbyterian Church, he also is directing a movement to plant more churches in the northwest. Mike and his team serve a multi-site ministry called CrossPoint Churches. Think of CrossPoint as a family of churches in missional partnership to cross barriers that divide the Seattle area--and the world--and more together than any single congregation could imagine.

Grace Seattle

John Haralson and Michael Subracko serve at Grace Seattle, which is a church that Spanish River was instrumental in helping to plant several years ago. John has done a wonderful job as the senior pastor. The church has gone through some difficult leadership challenges, and John has stepped in and has righted the ship and Grace Seattle is growing and serving the community in outstanding ways.  Michael who serves as the associate minister at Grace Seattle also served in the mission field alongside Tom Hudson in Portugal. Grace Seattle is also just recently planted a church in West Seattle. Andy Pelander is the church planter at All Souls Church.

Acts 29 Network

Ron Tobias and Scott Thomas
Ron Tobias and Scott Thomas

We later met with Scott Thomas, who is the President of Acts 29. Scott has led this ministry for several years which was founded by David Nicholas and Mark Driscoll. Acts 29 is a church planting ministry that has played a role in hundreds of church plants around the world. SRC has partnered with Acts 29 on several of these church plants. Scott just recently wrote a book called "Gospel Coach" and his is very busy teaching seminars around the country on this subject.

Please keep all these men in your prayers as they serve the Lord in Seattle.

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Church Planting Church Planting

Ron on the Road: Tyler Jones of Vintage 21

Miriam and I spent the weekend visiting family and attending Sunday morning services at First Baptist Church of Reidsville. Miriam's niece is the worship leader at this church. Sunday afternoon we drove to Raleigh where we attended the Sunday evening worship service at Vintage 21 Church. Tyler Jones is the lead pastor of Vintage 21, and planted this downtown church nine years ago.

Vintage 21 is a church planting church, they give 12% of their general fund every year to help plant new churches. Tyler also serves as the Regional Director of Acts 29 and coaches new church planters.

Vintage 21 has seven weekend services at three locations. They are a very young church and have a large amount of college students that are members and regular attenders. The church is in the middle of a fundraising campaign to purchase 8 acres in downtown Raleigh. The property will be strategic in the growth plans for Vintage 21, and will serve as a community outreach center.

I had the opportunity to have breakfast with Tyler on Monday morning, where he treated me to a scotch egg (deep fried boiled egg), which must be a southern thing. Tyler is excited about the future of Vintage 21, and also concerned about the need of mature believers to serve in key leadership roles. Please keep this church and the leaders in your prayers as they step out in faith on the purchase of this property. Tyler and his wife Kimberly have three young children. Tyler is very grateful to the people of SRC for being faithful in giving to the vision of Vintage 21, so that now they too can help plant other churches.

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