Spotlight: Adam Flynt & The Crossing Church, Jacksonville
Q: How did your launch service go?
A: It’s hard for me to say that we’ve launched. I’d rather say “launching.” As my father-in-law says, “rockets don’t launch all at once. Every launch is really a series of launches.” So we say we are “launching”. And God has been really gracious to us as we are launching.
On our first Sunday, we had over 150 total people in attendance. Our launch team consisted of about 40 adults.
Q: Did anyone make a profession of faith?
A: Though we did not have any come to Christ on our first Sunday, I have had a number of follow up conversations with individuals who are not followers of Jesus or who invited friends who are not followers of Jesus. They have all expressed a real joy about coming to church and wanting to know more and talk more about Jesus. We are praying hard as we share the bad news/ good news of the gospel with everyone
Q: In what way did God move that excited you the most?
A: I was most excited about how many people who don’t go to church and who are not followers of Jesus came on Sunday.
Our first Sunday was a great day because God gave us a great team of leaders. They really took on so much our first Sunday and really owned it. We also did as much as we could well in advance. This meant that everything we could do the week before, we did. That left a lot of margin to spend with people the week of the launch. I loved that I wasn’t holed up with printing, folding, putting ProPresenter together, etc.
Q: How did you budget in rest after?
A: Knowing this is Jesus’ church has helped tremendously to stay rested and avoid burning out over the idol of working too hard. We had family in town who came to our house on Sunday and cooked lunch for us. I also took the following Monday off to just rest and spend the day with my wife.
Keep Up with Adam:
Twitter: @adamflynt
Spotlight: Dony St Germain & Hope for Haiti
Dony St. Germain, Haitian Church Planting Movement Leader and strategic partner with Spanish River Church, discusses the unique challenges he and El Shaddai Ministries International face in planting reformed churches in Haiti. SRC has planted 28 churches in Haiti through ESMI.
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