New Planter Spotlight: David Schweissing
The SchweissingFamily
David Schweissing
David Schweissing IS THE HEAD PASTOR FOR Resurrection Indiana in Indiana, Pennsylvania . WE ARE HONORED TO PARTNER WITH HIM AND his CHURCH COMMUNITY starting January 2020.
How have you seen God working in your life?
Over the past couple of years as we've prepared and begun to plant, I have realized that God is just as interested in changing me as He is in seeing our church established. I am often confronted with my own fears and doubts, and continually turning to Jesus in the gospel for my hope and security. I am (slowly!) growing in dependence upon God and His Spirit, trusting that He is indeed at work and building His Church. One practical way in which I've seen this change me is through my prayer life. While I have always believed that prayer makes a difference, I am continually finding myself turning to God in prayer for every aspect of our work - that He would provide, that He would bring people, that He would open opportunities for relationships, that He would be changing even me - and we have often discovered that the relationships we are forming are ones for which we cannot take credit; God has opened opportunities beyond our expectations.
How have you seen God working in your family?
We knew going into planting that we needed to be intentional in our marriage relationship, and have a done a few things to help with that. First, we saw a marriage counselor for several sessions prior to moving to Indiana - not because of specific issues to address, but simply because we wanted to get a "check up" on our relationship before planting. Second, we spent a year working through mentored Sonship, meeting with a mentor every few weeks. This helped us see some of the ways in which we fail to live out of the gospel and seek to grow in patience and grace with each other. I don't think that our thoughts on cultivating healthy relationships have particularly changed, but we certainly communicate more about our relationship and recognize our need for dependence on the gospel. We pray more together, and somewhat surprisingly, while church planting is stressful, our efforts to spend time in the community and build relationships often happens together - people know us as a couple and a family, and we have very much felt that we are in this work together, even more than when I previously pastored an existing church. As for our children, planting has opened opportunities to talk about the gospel with them as well.
How have you seen God working in your church?
Thus far in the planting process, we have felt that our process has been slow, yet steady. We are learning dependence, in that we are often surprised with whom we become connected and at the opening of opportunities. We are learning patience - that God is the One who builds His church, and our task is to be faithful to what He has given us. And as we do the work, we often feel that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves. This has changed and grown us in trust and dependence, and of course we are still learning those things! We are sometimes easily discouraged and filled with doubt, yet are also seeing God's faithfulness in the midst of our uncertainty. And we are finding that we often receive encouragement and signs of progress just when we most need them.
Church Mission & Vision
Our vision is to see a worshipping community in Indiana that, captured by the love of Jesus in the gospel, will be characterized by love for neighbors and our community. This hope includes seeing the gospel take root at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) through the ministry of RUF and the building of a gospel-centered community that seeks and serves the good of Indiana.
We believe that "Resurrection" refers both to the work of Jesus who lived and died in our place and rose again from the dead, and also to the power that brings renewal and hope: renewal of life as we are reconciled to God in the gospel, renewal of relationships as we love one another, and renewal of community as we seek to serve and love Indiana with the love of Jesus.
Success in this will look like a gathering of people who represent the whole of Indiana, those who are tired of divisions based on race, economics, education, or background, and who instead are finding hope and unity in the gospel of Jesus.
We want to see a community that in reflecting the gospel breaks preconceived notions of religion and the church that often exist. We want to see a community that holds firm to the gospel and the Scripture, and yet seeks the good of Indiana by loving and serving freely and generously.
If you would like to know more about David and Resurrection Indiana check out their website at
New Planter Spotlight: Mike Brunjes
The Brunjes Family
Mike Brunjes
Mike Brunjes IS THE HEAD PASTOR FOR Christ Presbyterian Church in Wallingford, Connecticut. WE ARE HONORED TO PARTNER WITH HIM AND his CHURCH COMMUNITY starting january 2020.
How have you seen God working in your life?
I was sure that success in church planting was not dependent on my ability. God is making it clear that it is also not dependent on my in ability. Jesus is King and He is doing the wonderful work of building his Kingdom. God's sovereignty is not just an abstract doctrine. It is the means by which I get out of bed in the morning. God has proved Himself faithful time and time again. There is an electricity in my faith when I am reminded that I am placing it in King Jesus!
How have you seen God working in your family?
God has used church planting to cultivate an ethos of faith based risk in our family. We know that we are safest in God's hands and following his call. This has affected the way we use our home and the way we think about raising our family. My wife and I have been able to teach and model for our children what it means to trust God even the wisdom of the world says otherwise. It has also united my wife and I together in Gospel unity as we labor together for the sake of Christ and His Church.
How have you seen God working in your church?
We are planting a church in the most post-christian region in the United States. In a context like this self-willed righteousness is rampant, and the message of grace is explosive. We have seen the Gospel change our community in amazing ways. We have seen be people be willing to confess real sin because they are convinced the Gospel is true. This reality has produced a community that is incredibly counter cultural to what people typically expected. People are finding a safe place where they are realizing in Jesus God really knows then and actually loves them.
Church Mission & Vision
We long to be a family formed by the Gospel to bring the grace of Jesus to our communities by gathering to worship God, sharing our lives with one another, and being faithfully present in our neighborhoods.
If you would like to know more about Mike and Christ Presbyterian Church check out their website at
New Planter Spotlight: Sam Kang
The Kang Family
Sam Kang
How have you seen God working in your life?
As a 2nd generation Korean-American, I have wrestled with the trappings of " the American dream" my whole life. Because my parents sacrificed so much for their children, I felt like I owed it to them to pursue the right education, the right job, that gave the right money in order to build the right family, that I might be the right "me". I thought this was the way to be accepted and loved. For so long, it seemed right to pursue this "dream" with all my heart, but Jesus rescued me(He continues to do so). Jesus shows me that I am wholly accepted and loved and my performance cannot change that. He has showed me that the right education, the right job, the right money and the right family doesn't make me right with God. Only Jesus makes me right with God. He reminds me everyday that life lived following after Him is not "the American dream"; it's better than "the American dream". Giving my life away for the sake of others is better. Fighting for the marginalized is better. I am motivated to pursue these things because Jesus gave his life for the sake of others. He fought and advocated for the marginalized. I see Jesus continuing to work in my life to lay down one dream for a better one.
How have you seen God working in your family?
"My wife and kids are my primary calling, not Reconcile Church." For the past 3 years, the Holy Spirit reminds me of this every day and I'm glad for that. I need this reminder. My wife and kids are worth fighting for concerning my time, presence and investment. It wasn't always this way. There was a long season of life where they came second and ministry became first. It was the hardest season of our life together and unnecessarily so. I am so grateful that God does not leave me to myself! Over the past 3 years, we have experienced the fruit of repentance and the joy of prioritizing marriage and family life. It's been so transformative! As we are planting Reconcile, Kristen and I are motivated to continue fighting for our marriage and family relationships. We have seen the beauty of creating sacred space for each other and have enjoyed dating each other and the kids. It's also been a blast to invite our kids to planting Reconcile Church together. Sometimes, I think they are more committed to seeing it come together than we are! Hallelujah!
How have you seen God working in your church?
Through weakness. God chooses to work through our weakness. That is the greatest lesson that I'm learning right now, which is also the hardest lesson. Over and over again, I see God stripping away any veneer of strength to bring us to lean on Him for everything concerning Reconcile Church. When I say, "everything", I mean EVERYTHING. He's used sickness, loss of people, loss of time, fundraising, depression and the sort, to show how sufficient and powerful He is! It's through weakness that I've seen God heal, add leadership, redeem our time, provide funding, and overcome darkness! He has shown us that He's going to build Reconcile Church through the weakness of our people to show off His power and grace! My hope is that we will be a church that boasts in our weakness and leans into the power and grace of God!
Church Mission & Vision
Gwinnett County needs Reconcile Church. In the 5th most diverse county in the US, we believe that God has called a people for Himself from every nation, tribe, language, gender, generation and class to experience right relationship with Him, others and the world around us. Our church's vision is to see a reconciled people transformed by God for His world. This is our preferred destination and better reality.
Can you imagine what might happen if a diverse people in right relationship with God, others and the world are so transformed by Jesus, that they cannot help, but engage His world as powerful and compassionate ambassadors in every area of life? It would change everything. This is what we will strive towards at Reconcile Church. We believe that our communities will be forever changed by this reconciled people.
We believe that a reconciled people are transformed people. What might transformation look like in the coming years? A Korean man delighting and fighting for the teaching of an African-American woman. An Anglo family learning about Godly parenting from a Latino elder. A former white supremacist advocating for the lives of young black males at the police department. Meals eaten by a diverse people where stories are told, repentance is real, forgiveness is given and change is tangible.
If you would like to know more about Sam and Reconcile Church check out their website at
New Planter Spotlight: Isaac Frere
Isaac Frere
Isaac Frere IS THE HEAD PASTOR FOR The Font Church an online church, meeting in public places in cities all over the country. WE ARE HONORED TO PARTNER WITH HIM AND THE CHURCH COMMUNITY BEGINNING IN 2019.
How have you seen God working in your life?
My story is one who was near the church but far from Christ. Chasing life’s fleeting pleasures in search of fulfillment led to my discovery that there was none without Christ. Choosing Jesus as my Lord and Savior, led to a journey of discovering the many dimensions of a life in submission to Christ. I have learned what true obedience looks like. God has revealed His faithfulness in every aspect of my life. He has shown me that I take no credit for all He has done in my life. His grace has sustained by marriage, kept my family, empowered me to preach the gospel, and has guided me into planting The Font. God has revealed the sufficiency of His grace and has given me the boldness to trust in Him. God is teaching me to find rest in Him and has revealed how strong He can be in all my weaknesses and shortcomings.
How have you seen God working in your family?
The decision to plant a church has been a family affair. Vanessa has been more than a nurturing supporter. She has been a catalyst in praying for the church serving in our primary coordinator of our outreach initiatives. Her faith in what God has called us to do has encouraged me in ways that words fail to properly describe. She is the backbone of our family and is life partner in this new season that God has called us in.
How have you seen God working in your church?
The story of The Font is a story of divinely ordered series of responses to unexpected needs and events. I, along with a group of young creatives, passionate about Jesus, developed a burning desire to reach the people we had yet to see in our church. We had no intentions of launching a church. We were dreaming about a ministry that would meet them where they were.
Four years ago we launched The Font TV, a ministry that would proclaim the gospel using online and social technology. Not long after we saw the need for community and launched online small groups. These groups grew into coffee shop meetings around the city on faith and life. As the groups grew, our desire for city renewal grew. But we knew we need a community on mission to do it.
The Font was born and we haven’t looked back since. God has been gracious to us. The church continues to grow with a vibrant group of passionate people who desire to see God’s kingdom in South Florida.
Church Mission & Vision
The Font exists to bring faith to life; to see those who are far from Christ actively become like Him
If you would like to know more about Isaac and The Font check out their website at
New Planter Spotlight: Jeremy Kemp
The Kemp Family
Jeremy Kemp
How have you seen God working in your life?
It was not always my life's goal to plant a church believe it or not. I can look back and see God's writing throughout my story. Many facets of who I am as a pastor have been a kind placement of circumstances orchestrated by God. I discovered the need to have fun while truly listening , befriending , and leading others to Christ in my time being a Youth Pastor. At our mother church CCPC I learned to lead being detail oriented and reliant on the Lord from the pastoral leadership there.. And being a father always shows me where I lack, how abundant my sin is, and how much I need Christ. After these many opportunities for refinement what God has for me daily now, is all that amplified. I wish to be the best, most dependable, listener, friend, father, and pastor which brings me to my knees begging my eternal father for the strength to lean on him and give his gospel proper representation.
How have you seen God working in your family?
My wife, Sarah she was made for this. She has always been a gifted teacher and extends herself to others so easily. As we planned this church, I knew I would not want to do this journey without her gifts. I believe I have seen her grow even more than I thought possible. She leads well delegates effortlessly, but most of all she calls others to Christ's love just by her spirit. As far as our children I felt when we began ,what a wonderful story for them, they are all 8 and under, and they get to plant a church. They will be eyewitnesses all through their childhood to " look what our heavenly Father did today". My favorite story so far is coming to work on Monday and finding my 5 year old had written his own prayer request. From the writing and the message " God help me" , I knew it was purely of his own volition. My heart was filled right there I knew this is exactly where I want my kids. Seeing God work and depending on his grace for us.
How have you seen God working in your church?
It amazes me to consider what Good Shepherd has become. We began as a few families driven to see where God would lead us. And now this great work takes place week in and week out. I felt excited and passionate to start a church, but I am astonished and so grateful that my church family,they feel it as well. They have owned this journey as their very own. Along the way we have learned planting a church is hard. It pushes you to arms of the Father. But we have already seen it is not a labor in vain. As a church family we are praying for growth and depth in our relationships. We have still at the center of our worship a goal to reach the community we reside in with Christ. Each Sunday I stand in front of people who heard a call and came alongside me to see God more fully. I feel privileged and a little overwhelmed at times. I feel this family yearns for a wonderful counselor, good good father, and rescuer of souls, my prayer is that I lead them to his feet.
Church Mission & Vision
We are on a mission to reach the 80% of the population in our home zip code that do not have the gospel. Our actions are to intentionally draw persons to Christ through the way we live, work, and play. We want to be good neighbors, co-workers, friends, and parents. The gospel is so very appealing and quenching to those in need of shelter and protection from this sinful world. My dream in five years is that we will be a well known community resource, because we will have extended our hands and open our doors to our community. The feel of our church is loving and fun and spans from college age to grandparents. My desire is that only solidifies over the next several years. Already I have seen individuals that are giving their gifts to God's cause, and the expectation is that just increases more and more. What was a glimmer of hope is now our reality each week. Our prayer is that we provide a glimmer of hope to others by providing the gospel.
If you would like to know more about Jeremy and Good Shepard Church check out their website at