New Planter Spotlight: Phil Tadros
Phil Tadros
How have you seen god working in your family?
Lindsay and I enjoy our mornings of quiet and devotion in the Word, communing with our gracious God, and sometimes our kids will join spontaneously. Lindsay and I are blessed with a wonderful friendship as husband and wife, and we engage not only in the daily business of life (chores, kids, responsibilities) but there is a wonderful sense that we care deeply for each other. I, Phil, am blessed with a wonderful wife who has a sense of high calling to the ministry and is my one great and sympathetic supporter. What a blessing! Our children are growing in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Pray that they would continue to respond to the gospel as they grow and make it their own. Pray for our homeschooling.
How have you seen god working in your church?
God has been slowly adding members from outside our mother church who are local to our area of ministry (StoneyCreek, Canada). Some have come through outreach connections (our recent food drive & Christmas party), some through Lindsay's homeschooling cooperative (some unchurched, some between churches), and some who commute to church and looking to worship and serve where they live. These are exciting times. Lindsay and I make it a priority to seek the Lord together with all our hearts so as to ground our identity, not in ministry success or approval, but in the Lord's astonishing and gracious love toward us. At the end this is what it's all about. We pray and trust that this devotion and commitment to his gospel will transform us and be the fountain and strength of a lifetime of ministry, and also serve to strengthen and nourish the faith of his saints, and to attract others to the Lord Jesus Christ.
church name
Mission to Stoney Creek (temporary name for our mission church)
church email
What is your church’s mission?
Our vision is to see a church overflowing with the type of disciples that will multiply the type of churches that will reach Stoney Creek, the city of Hamilton and all of Canada with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our mission will be to invite and guide those living in East Hamilton/Stoney Creek to make Jesus their highest priority.