New Planter Spotlight: Antonio Nascimento
Antonio Nascimento
How have you seen God working in your life?
In addition to salvation itself through Christ Jesus, I have seen God change my entire way of seeing the reality of life as a whole. The gospel, from Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration, has marked me deeply in recent years and has really transformed the way I see all things from the gospel. This is a process that has been ongoing and will continue in the coming years. I began to see everything through the logic of God's creation, knowing the severe consequences that sin caused, the process of redemption through Jesus, and the final restoration we long awaited. Living in a big city like São Paulo requires a mature outlook based on the complete gospel of Jesus Christ narrated in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. The central points of the gospel have been an essential guide for an effective and differentiated presence in the city. Without the complete gospel, I run the risk of using other conflicting views, which is why the Gospel has deeply impacted me not only in the certainty of salvation but also in the world view to live and witness in the city.
How have you seen god working in your family?
When I felt called to plant the church, I went through the entire process of training, studies and alignment with the leadership and my wife. I believed that in planting a local church, many things would happen in a more organic and natural way; however, with the time dedicated, I was able to realize that in practice, dedication to the church in its initial stage requires an enormous amount of time. Therefore, I often found myself dedicating a huge amount of time to conducting the processes, teaching, and pastoring. Which required more time than I was thinking, which led to a reduction in time with my own family. These last few months, I have dedicated myself to planning and setting aside quality time with my wife and children. I have understood that ministry, even during the planting of a church, is not necessarily what generates results but rather God's will. We dedicate ourselves with all zeal, but the accomplishment comes from the Lord, as growth comes from him. Therefore, even though he works hard, I rest in the certainty that he himself is taking care of all things.
How have you seen god working in your church?
A situation that really impacted me is the fact that during worship, we have a moment of prayer or confession, and during the first several months, I found myself confessing to the Lord about my lack of complete trust in His care, provision, and conduct of my life. Church. In the end, the deepest feeling, even if unconscious, was that somehow the result would depend on my effort itself as if it depended on me and not on the Lord. For weeks I prayed to the Lord repenting of this mistake, but it was a long process in which God himself treated my heart to completely trust him for the entire church plant. This has been a continuous learning experience, and the Lord has dealt with my heart on this topic. Learning to trust Him in all things has marked my life and has generated practical effects in sermons, teachings, discipleship and counseling.
church Name
Igreja Presbiteriana Nova Cidade
church Email
church Website
What is your church’s mission/Vision?
Our vision is to be a church centered on Jesus that loves people and serves the city. Our mission is to lead people to an authentic relationship with Jesus and live God's mission in the city. And with this vision and mission in mind, we hope to impact the entire region in which the church is located. We are doing our best to present, explain, demonstrate, share, and apply the gospel in everything we do as individuals and as a local church in the neighborhood. In the neighborhood, there is a disparity of groups in completely different financial situations, some with a lot of resources while others with very little; however, all have a deep need for the gospel of Jesus. We want to reach all of them so that they can have this fundamental relationship with Jesus and become participants in God's mission in the city together with us. In five years, we intend to see a larger and more active church in various aspects of the city, whether in arts, culture, work, relationships, practicing justice, counseling, and genuinely sharing the gospel with friends, family, and as many other people as possible in the neighborhood. And in the city as a whole.
The Nascimento Family