New Planter Spotlight: Herbert Nogueira
Herbert Nogueira
How have you seen God working in your life?
With grace and kindness, in these 24 years since I was baptized, God has caused me to grow and mature in Jesus Christ, making me more patient, loving, and forgiving. I have also experienced joy and strength in life that sustain me. God has blessed me with a wife who is a sign of His grace, a loving and hardworking faith community, intellectual, physical, and emotional capacity to navigate life and relationships.
In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of God's love in my life and in those around me. Despite my shortcomings, God has granted me success.
How have you seen god working in your family?
My wife, Lidiane, and I have been married for seven years. During this time, we have grown, matured, and forgiven each other (and will continue to do so), creating a life partnership resulting from the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. Our personal time with God has been crucial in reconnecting with each other and sincere and loving conversations. We take care of one another, resulting in a good and happy marriage. Because of Christ, we have become more patient and loving towards each other. Together, we have built many things in our family, ministry, and with friends, for the glory of God and our well-being.
How have you seen god working in your church?
I learned to love the church from an early age, getting involved in work, serving, giving, and spending time with dear people. I began the process of pastoral ministry at the age of 17, a result of my calling and love for the church. Throughout these 16 years of pastoral ministry, I have seen God's favor upon the churches I've had the privilege to shepherd and now, more specifically, at VIVA LEBLON. One of the wealthiest, challenging, and less evangelized neighborhoods in Brazil. People are drawing near, families are being built up, and our group is growing. Since we started in February 2023, I have witnessed God's hand renewing lives through the transformative power of the Gospel. God has been good!
church Name
Igreja Viva Leblon
church Email
church Website
What is your church’s mission/Vision?
Leblon is one of the most secularized regions in the country, characterized by a high human development index. At the same time, there is a significant lack of gospel-centered, contemporary churches capable of engaging with the dynamics and uniqueness of this area. I love Leblon. It's not just the place where I am planting a church; it's also where I live. VIVA is a Reformed Christian church that believes in the transformative power of the gospel to renew both life and society. Our four emphases are: experience, beauty, fellowship, and excellence. Our goal is to reach an audience that values intellectual and cultural life. For us, success is reflected in a growing, mature, and diverse community. We aim to build a thriving church with many small groups, a robust theological education, sermons that establish strong cultural connections, and celebrations deeply rooted in Rio de Janeiro's culture. In five years, we aspire to have a congregation of 150 people, which is remarkable for Leblon, a neighborhood characterized by its small, discreet, and subtle nature. To achieve these goals, we are constructing a spiritual (non-religious), updated (dialogical), and organic (with a professional organization) church. We believe in living life as a gift and loving God and people through service, as a demonstration of our love for the divine and the world.
The Nogueira Family